Surat untuk Sangga

Sangga anakku,

Sungguh tak terasa kini Sangga sudah 2 tahun 6 bulan. Mengingatmu, putra tercintaku, hatiku langsung dilumuri perasaan bangga dan cinta yang belum pernah ku kenal sebelumnya.
Rasanya begitu istimewa, segala sesuatu yang kau bawa kedalam hidupku kini hanya berisi kebaikan, merubah hampir keseluruhan hidupku. Dari hal-hal kecil saja, misalnya bangun pagi, bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan makanan untukmu, hingga ke hal-hal besar yang belum pernah kulakukan sebelumnya, seperti menabung untuk masa depan.

Sangga sayang,
Banyak hal dalam perjalanan usiamu sekarang yang kadang membuatku meringis, ngilu. Begitu banyak hal-hal terbaik yang tak sanggup kupilihkan untukmu. Meskipun sekuat tenaga telah kuusahakan untuk mengupgrade ilmuku, tetap saja rasanya aku sering ketinggalan. Maafkan ibu yang bodoh ini untuk mengasuh ANAK secemerlang kau.

Maafkan Ibun, yang sering tidak bisa ada disampingmu saat kau menginginkannya, sungguh aku pun ingin selalu setiap saat ada, bersamamu, mengajarimu, membaca bersama, bermain bersama, menonton bersama, semua kegiatan favoritmu.
Tapi, apa daya Nak, ini juga bagian dari rencana besar Papa dan Ibun, mengantarmu ke gerbang sukses, membuatmu menjadi anak bahagia PALING NOMOR 1. Jadi terpaksa Ibun harus tetap bekerja, dan di sedikitnya waktu kita bertemu, aku sangat mengharapkan kebahagiaanmu.

Sangga sayang,
Seperti kata Papa, Sangga adalah bintang kejora di langit “kami”, paling terang, paling bersinar, paling cemerlang. Adalah juga tumpahan kasih sayang dari kami berdua. Cinta yang belum pernah tergali sebelumnya, tercurah semua untukmu. Tapi Papa juga Ibun hanya manusia biasa, kadang sering membuatmu kecewa, membiarkanmu menunggu, walaupun itu semua terasa lebih menyakitkan untuk kami daripada yang bisa kau rasakan.

Saat Papa dan Ibun jalan berdua, dan melihat remaja disekitar kami, tahu tidak? Yang kami bicarakan adalah bagaimana nantinya Sangga setelah besar ya? Kami ternyata punya concern yang berbeda, saat aku lebih membayangkan “seseorang” yang akan kau kenalkan nanti kepadaku (kau tau maksudku kan?:) ) seperti apa rupanya kelak? Pintarkah dia, sanggupkah dia membuatmu tertawa, berbahagia, menyeimbangkan hidupmu. Bahkan aku jadi sering memperhatikan gadis-gadis yang terlihat pintar dan baik, aku selalu menyisipkan doa, semoga “seseorangmu” nanti lebih baik dari itu.
Papamu selalu mengkhawatirkan hal yang sangat berbeda, yaitu saat nanti kau minta ijin untuk berpenampilan “punk” atau menindik hidung atau telingamu, atau berpakaian yang, menurut ayahmu, nyeleneh. Dia belum bisa membayangkan reaksi apa yang bisa dia berikan saat itu tiba, sudah pasti dia tidak ingin mengecewakanmu, tapi menerimamu berpenampilan seperti itu,,,pastilah tidak mudah untuknya.
Seperti halnya papamu menertawakan “kekhawatiranku”, aku pun menertawakan “kekhawatirannya”. Bagiku cukup Sangga menjadi orang baik dan bertanggungjawab , the rest, I don’t take in count!

Senyummu, binarmatamu, pelukan tangan kecilmu, celotehan pintarmu adalah obat dari lelah hidup ini. Satu hal saja Sangga, yang ingin aku garisbawahi : Aku dan papa mencintaimu, memperjuangkanmu, membelamu, membanggakanmu, lebih dari hidup dan nyawaku (ya, jangan salahkan kalau papamu lebih mencintai hidupku dari pada hidupnya sendiri,,, heheh that’s little secret for us, babe, dan kau adalah diatas segalanya). Jadi kami ingin kau bahagia dunia dan akhirat, ingin kau menjadi dirimu sendiri, sehat, dan cukup akan hidupmu. Dan ingatlah, kami selalu dibelakangmu, untuk setiap support dan cinta yang kau butuhkan.


it's Alrite, I'm OK

Theres a lot of things I understand,
And theres a lot of things,That I dont want to know.
But youre the only face,I recognize,
its so damn sweet of you,To look me in the eyes.
Its all right, Im o.k.,I think God can explain,
I believe Im the same,I get carried away
Its alright, Im o.k.,I think God can explain
Im relieved, Im relaxed,Ill get over it yet,

The scent of vaseline,In the summertime,
The feel of an ice cube,Melting over time,
The world seems bigger than both of us,
Yet it seems so small,When I begin to cry.
Its all right, Im o.k.,I think God can explain,

I believe Im the same,I get carried awayIts alright,
Im o.k.,I think God can explainIm relieved, Im relaxed,Ill get over it yet,
Im so much better than you guessed,
Im so much bigger than you guessed,
Im so much brighter than you guessed.

Its all right, Im o.k.,I think God can explain,
I believe Im the same,I get carried away
Its alright, Im o.k.,I think God can explainIm relieved, Im relaxed,

Ill get over it yet,Ill get off of your back,I think God can explain.I think God can explain.I think God can explain.

Face Book versus Ex

what a silly question,,,, i thought. really, one day my un marriage - un happy friend asking me this question : "Do you feel secure enough if your hubby had a Facebook account??"

"Well, my Hubby has one, and why shouldn’t I feel secure?Why should be worry about it?" I said.
Then, convincingly she said,,, you know, Dini, facebook will let him meet his ex-girl friend, wont him?
You are right, absolutely, I said, he will, and i know one of them is on his friend list. but I bet if he had a particular reason to meet his ex girlfriend,, it is stupid to use facebook account. He will use thousand way to hide it from me right?So why should I worry mate?

"If I were you, i will not let him to have one, you'll be sorry" she said

yeah?I don’t,,,, Like or dislike, we are here now passing and left thousand story behind us,,, sometimes it just go running as time goes by,, some story left in our heart,,, its normal you know. Its call a life

No doubt Pal, It's a sensitive matter, anything relate to “other girl”, but ex girl friend is not really big deal for me. I even think, I should thank them anyway for their good job, to be part of my hubby’s life ago, keeping his heart to be mine now as full as it is.

I heard a lot about marriage life is coming to unhappy season because of “ex important person”, at both side wife or husband. this silly things is coming again and again, to be frankly I was on that situation also. But then I think it is only the way we look on it.One day I read about some article (I forgot the detail), said that men have many rooms in his heart. Each room is dedicated for VIP, such are Best Friends, x girl friend, etc. It does not mean they keep thinking them all the time all the way, it’s not something working like that. The room’s function is a file keeper, nothing really special but sometimes they love to go there to “read again” the story. The other hand women will do reverse. They only have 1 room for the love one. They took long time to get her ex boy friend off. Once they left no way to get her heart back. She will clean up the room and nothing is left about the ex. That is why it hurts women to know that her loves one is having a lot of room on his heart. Women can take it seriously as a betrayal action.

I ever had a conversation with some mature guys in my office environmental, lets say they are in the mid age, more than 44 years old. They still can mention their girlfriend full name even in elementary school and still wondering what they are doing now. Even some of them did a silly thing. Call her home trying to get her mobile number, caught wrong person in the airport because he thought she was the Ex. They did it with no special reason, it doesn’t mean they want to keep it back, no at all, it just about curiosity about their life now.

My hubby of course still remember their name, (so do my ex boyfriend, I bet hehe). But to be frankly I don’t, I really don’t think they are dangerous enemy in my marriage life. They were something but they are not anymore.

I take my self on the same position, lets say I had some memories with other guys before my hubby came to my life. Some are goods, and some left in the bad side.
There are a lot of memories that hard to be forgotten, but for god sake I WONT exchange my life now with the silly past romance. No I will strictly say no. And I do believe my hubby on the same way of my mind on this. if he did not, i will not marrying him now,,,

In one late night when we were ready to go to sleep on bed, I told my hubby about silly conversation between my friend and I that morning.
“so, what do you think babe, should I be afraid of the matter?” a big smile draws on his face,,,
“ No, absolutely no need to be worry,,, just be safe here, right here,,, “ he said with a big hug before I went to deep sleep.

Well, Married is about challenge in every step you make, challenge to keep your ship along and grow strong. I love my hubby and So does he. We met, fall in love, get to know each other and “go crazy” to come to the step of marriage. Yeah, I said its crazy to have a decision to be a forever with the same person in every morning you wake up, if you don’t love him. Marriage is not easy work at all. But it is worthy with the happiness that I’ve got as far.

So let's do facebook again, babe,,,,,,

Too much

Aku tau,

Aku selalu memintamu, untuk berjalan bersisian disampingku,,,
"jangan biarkan ku dibelakang mu" pintaku

Aku tau,
aku memintamu, menyelesaikan perang yang tak pernah kau mulai
bahkan tak kau kenal,,,

aku tau,
kau adalah jantung hatiku, detak nadiku, matahariku

dan untuk luka ku itu,
aku mohon padamu
untuk berdiri jauh diatasku
mengasihani aku,,,

aku tau kau
hanya ingin kebahagianku,,,
sekecil apapun itu,,,

aku tau,
aku memohon padamu untuk hal itu

Jakarta, Januari basah 2009